Professional counseling
Safe pregnancy
More joy
How to use a BusinessMidwife
If your company offers to pamper you with a BusinessMidwife, you can look forward to a good pregnancy. Due to a close relationship with your own personal midwife – who visits you – you can look forward to a healthy and happy pregnancy with very few or no discomforts. Precisely, as you wish for.
Your BusinessMidwife makes sure to guide you and help you during the pregnancy. Your BusinessMidwife will be more than happy to answer all your many questions and doubts, and of course she is bound to observe professional secrecy. It is even possible to use your BusinessMidwife during maternity leave.
There is no need for a midwife other than your BusinessMidwife. You get a far greater number of antenatal care consultations, more time, individual guidance and a close relationship with your BusinessMidwife. It is uncomplicated to combine a public midwife and the BusinessMidwife – but it simply will not be necessary.
The benefits are targeted to ensure that you get the best out of your pregnancy. You will be offered a range of antenatal consultations focusing on your physical well-being and making sure that you feel comfortable with what is happening in your body. You will receive individually customized workout plans, diet plans and specially developed pregnancy exercises. You will be provided with tools that are useful even after the delivery of your baby.
You have access to our online-universe filled with physical exercises, a lot of good advice, ergonomic instructions, relaxation exercises and so on – everything you need for a happy pregnancy.
Best of all: Your BusinessMidwife visits you – rather than vice versa.
Expectant Partners and BusinessMidwife
Even with quantum leaps in the sciences, it normally takes two to create a new little baby. Naturally, the pregnant woman receives a lot of attention, information and help. But what about the expectant partners? Even though you cannot immediately recognize an expectant father/partner, they still have plenty of questions and feelings. Camilla Brinch offers confidential end-of-the-day-workshops in your company for expectant and new fathers/partners. In these workshops, Camilla Brinch addresses all the typical questions related to their partner’s pregnancy and speaks about the father’s/partner’s role during pregnancy and birth, how to support your pregnant partner/wife and the relationship between father/partner and newborn baby.
Today, expectant fathers/partners are greatly involved in their partner’s/wife´s pregnancy, but they do not have a special place where they can ask questions and discuss the worries they might have in connection with the pregnancy and birth. Giving the fathers/partners a forum for airing questions and worries will reduce their worries and thereby the risk of postnatal depressions. The expectant fathers will feel more reassured and balanced, which reduce the risks of job changes related to their partners pregnancy. Therefore, the expectant fathers/partners are involved in the effort of BusinessMidwife.